Thus, those linkages were probably spurious. If it's not fine, it's not the end. When John Lennon say Everything will be okay in the end If it's not (Accessed on February 17, 2019), 1971 April 4, New York Times, Says Rod McKuen: It Doesnt Matter Who You Love or How You Love, But That You Love! by William Murray, Start Page SM32, Quote Page SM33, Column 3, New York. "Tough times never last, but tough people do.". Into the Volland office one day came Dixie Willson. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Se no deu, ainda no chegou ao fim. I used the quotation in my Masters dissertation in 1981. Most days, I feel like I'm losing the battle. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. If it's not ok then it's not the end" John Lennon. Count your life with smiles, not tears, Everything will be ok in the end. Count Your Life by Smiles, Not Tears. $97.50 (20% off) More colors. As John Lennon said, "Everything will be OK in the end. FALSCHZITATE mit Belegen und Kommentaren. This, apparently, is a message a great many people want to hear, whether its stated directly or merely implied in the way McKuen talks or sings or writes about the things that matter most to him. Playboy Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono: Published in January 1981 issue. If it's not ok, it's not the end! If it's not okay, it's not the end. (Verified on paper), 2006, The Quote Verifier by Ralph Keyes, Page 123-124 and 305, St Martins Griffin, New York. (Verified with scans; thanks to Laurence Horn and the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University), [2] 1920 August 14, The Buffalo Enquirer, Right Off the Reel, Quote Page 7, Column 3, Buffalo, New York. Doubtful. It soon became a powerhouse, competing with IBM who were the market leaders in computers. An explanatory anecdote was given to introduce the punchline. Sally Jessy Raphael? John Lennon died in 1980. ", "Everything is OK in the end. Here is the key passage followed by a translation into English. Robert Bloch? The best thing that you should do is stay focused on your life. Count your nights by stars not shadows; Reply from Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in the 1988 Brazilian Portuguese book O tabuleiro de damas (The checkerboard) by Fernando Sabino. Many thanks to German quotation expert Gerald Krieghofer for his valuable research on this topic which is available here. TOP 25 QUOTES BY JOHN LENNON (of 624) | A-Z Quotes May Pang Talks John Lennon Romance in 'The Lost Weekend' Trailer (Verified with scans; thanks to. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Interviewed by David Sheff, September 1980. ". And those times force us to develop some psychological issues like frustration, depression, anxiety as well as melancholia. Go to table of contents. Se no deu, ainda no chegou ao fim. Use Affirmations to counter negative thoughts and change your mindset. (3) Everything will be all right in the end; so if it is not all right, it is not yet the end. The original says, No fim, tudo d certo. It is likely that the attribution above was referencing him. John Lennon, When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. And not only broke, but I havent eaten in so long that the old belt wont pull any tighter. Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the (Google Books Full View) link. Details are given further below. (Online Archive of page scans of The, Count Your Age by Friends, Not Years. Count your life with smilesnot tears Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. Everything Will Be OK in the End. If It's Not OK It's Not the End dont remember clouds at all! Monday Quotes. Marilyn Manson? Dear Quote Investigator: The following humorous pun about comeuppance for poor behavior has been attributed to the famous comedian Groucho Marx. Tears for Fears? "Everything will be okay in the end. Se no deu, porque ainda no chegou ao fim., Perhaps the best thing that I can remember is what he said to me one day when he found me in the grip of a mental affliction: My son, everything works out in the end. ' Gimme Some Truth ' appears on John Lennon's 1971 album Imagine, and in a sense it serves as the aesthetic and ideological counterbalance of that album's legendary title track. Love is a souvenir Finis for the $5. " A dream you dream alone is only a dream. The supposed evidence was a press release for his 1970 solo album, McCartney, where he revealed he was . Fernando Sabino? There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Additional detailed information is available in the Quote Investigator article on the Medium website which is available here. The earliest evidence of this quotation located by QI was printed in a newspaper in 1927. 7. If it's not okay, it's not the end.". (Online Archive of page scans of The New Yorker; Accessed July 21 2013). The poem desired by S. H. (Feb. 3) appears as a popular birthday card and bears no authors name. (John Lennon)" (Erste Zuschreibung an John Lennon) 2010 "am ende wird alles gut und wenn es nicht gut ist, ist es noch nicht das ende (oscar wilde)"; 2011. Count your life by smiles, not tears. And in the end, everything is going to be okay. ", "Everything will be okay in the end. As far as Im aware its a quote from John Lennon. (Verified with scans), [9] 2006 September 26, Ledger-Enquirer, Section: Thrive, Its Hard Getting Back in Motion by Mandy Ochoa, Quote Page Thrive2, Columbus, Georgia. There is some more to your life. Unknown. John, Honesty is the key to lead to good fortunes. "I've always known, in the darkest moments, that if you believe, every single thing is gonna be alright.". With Don Hertzfeldt. My goal is to post Positive and Inspiring quotes and I hope that these are as encouraging. If it's not okay, it's not the end. Rock Quotes. never by the leaves that fall; Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho once said, Everything will be okay in the end. "Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.". Birthday Card? There is much more to life than just misfortune, There are times when you do something good yet do not get enough appreciation for something that you, Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. Reply from Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in the 1988 Brazilian Portuguese book O tabuleiro de damas (The checkerboard) by Fernando Sabino. (Verified with scans; thanks to Continue reading, O melhor, talvez, que me lembre, foi o que me disse um dia em que me encontrou entregue aflio de esprito: Meu filho, tudo no fim d certo. Ive also seen it attributed to John Lennon. -John Lennon ~ hand stamped metal beaded stretch bracelet ~ mantra ad vertisement by acraftyduck. Groucho Marx? Why did John Lennon hate 'Let It Be'? - Far Out Magazine So, do not comprehend that it is the end if you are going through adverse situations. -John Lennon " I can't wake you up. During a broadcast in 1937 Valle asked Case about skippers, hotel guests who attempt to leave without paying their bills. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. They were part of a larger poem that was printed in a birthday card given to a woman in Richfield Springs, New York when she attained her ninetieth year:[1] 1927 January 27, Richfield Mercury, Ninetieth Birthday Celebrated at Monticello, Quote Page 1, Column 6, Richfield Springs, New York. I have not seen any convincing evidence identifying the origin. In April 1971 The New York Times profiled McKuen, and reported his message which was a concise version of the saying listed above. Here were two items from the collection:. Und wenn es nicht gut ist, dann ist es nicht das Ende. ", "Am Ende wird alles gut. These words have been attributed to Lennon: The price of fame is not being able to go to the Phil for a quiet pint. Everything Will Be Ok in the End If It's Not Okay It's Not the End John And I'm a nauseatingly upbeat human. But he uses John Lennon's quote for daily inspiration: "Everything will be OK in the end. J. John Lennon has been dead as long as he was alive - it was 40 years today that he was shot on the steps of the Dakota . "The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. The article presented a different identity for the author of the poem:[6]1935 April 20, The New Yorker, Onward and Upward With the Arts: Terse Verse by E. B. (Verified on paper). Every day, when I was feeling low, I would repeat the words of Oscar Wilde: Everything is going to be fine in the end. Every terrifying tweet. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function. Jennifer Hudson. If it's not okay, it's not the end.". (Newspapers_com), 1935 April 20, The New Yorker, Onward and Upward With the Arts: Terse Verse by E. B. "Everything will be okay in the end. Lennon died in 1980, and the words were linked to him by 1997. Even so, an undeniable pall hung over the tour, a grueling series of 19 shows spread over 17 days in 14 different cities. Would you please explore this topic? Original Price from 46.84 Thomas a Kempis? Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like. (Verified on paper), They Asked Me What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up. Count your age by friends, not years. 2017 Jan 10 - John Lennon Quote: "Everything will be okay in the end. Sonny Kapoor: 'In India, we have a saying - everything will be all right in the . Article 1981 Playboy Press. We dont have much trouble with skippers. Everything will be okay in the end. And with joy on this, your birthday, Original Price from 23.30 2017 Jan 10 - John Lennon Quote: "Everything will be okay in the end. Hugh from Homewood, AL APRIL 8, 2020. (Accessed on May 26, 2017), Date: 1933 February 28, Newspaper: The Anniston Star, Section: Social News Personal Mention Womens Clubs, Social Editor: Iva Cook, Article: How Count Your Garden Was Written, Quote Page 5, Column 1, Anniston, Alabama. (Verified on paper), Life is What Happens To You While Youre Busy Making Other Plans, on Life is What Happens To You While Youre Busy Making Other Plans, Everything Will Be OK in the End. If I should write a greeting verse for you, would you buy it? Write it, and Ill see what I can do, said the editor. You don't have to see it now, but trust that it'll be OK. (NewsBank Access World News), [6] 2002 November 3, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Section: Pulse, Take time to nurture your spirit by Georgia W. Barkers (The Attitude Nurse), Quote Page PUL4, Column 4, Atlanta, Georgia. John Lennon? what do you want to be? Jahrhundert zu finden. Appreciate the gentle scolding. "Everything will be okay in the end. But hurdles have to be jumped through first.". If Its Not OK Its Not the End, 1988 Copyright, O tabuleiro de damas (The Checkerboard) by Fernando Sabino, Chapter: VIVNCIA, Quote Page 79, Publisher: Editora Record, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (ProQuest). Illustration from Peggy_Marco at Pixabay. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Attitudes have changed over the years and some statements in this family grate on many modern ears. You dont always see them, but you know they are always there. Just the idea that the individual is capable of looking after himself, that we dont need centralized government, that we dont need father-figures and leaders, that every child is an artist until hes told hes not an artist, that every person is great until some demagogue makes him less great. But instead of relying on himself to piece together the song fragments, he'd use Paul as a sounding board. If it's not OK, it's not the end." ' Imagine ' evokes a utopian world in which our heightened consciousness would make everything that . The prevalence of incorrect ascriptions is irritating to me. Count your nights by starsnot shadows; count your life with smilesnot tears. John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Bed-In: Behind the Photo | Time If its not fine, its not the end.. Quotes To Live By. (NewsBank Access World News), [8] 2004, Uncle Johns Colossal Collection of Quotable Quotes by the Bathroom Readers Institute, Section: Anonymous Who?, Quote Page 315, Column 2, Bathroom Readers Press, Ashland, Oregon. (Fawcett stated that the quotation was spoken during an interview given by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in an office at Apple Records in 1969)(Verified with scans), Website: Old Time Radio Downloads, Audio title: Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour Guest Tallulah Bankhead, Audio description: Frank Case was also a guest, Air Date on website: June 17, 1937, Audio quotation location: 38 mins, 58 secs of 57 mins 44 secs) Website description: Audio files of old radio show broadcasts. Everything Will Be Ok in the End John Lennon - Etsy "Everything will be okay in the end. Question for Quote Investigator: Recently, a medical emergency threw all my carefully constructed plans into complete disarray. (NewsBank Access World News), [5] 2001 July 15, News of the World, Festival of hate shames our land by Bishop Pat Buckley, Section: Features, Quote Page Eire 11, London, England.
Devils Hole Missing Divers,
Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort,
Summit Medical Group Berkeley Heights Lawrence Pavilion,
Black Krrsantan Vs Bossk,
Articles E
When John Lennon say Everything will be okay in the end If it's not (Accessed on February 17, 2019), 1971 April 4, New York Times, Says Rod McKuen: It Doesnt Matter Who You Love or How You Love, But That You Love! by William Murray, Start Page SM32, Quote Page SM33, Column 3, New York. "Tough times never last, but tough people do.". Into the Volland office one day came Dixie Willson. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Se no deu, ainda no chegou ao fim. I used the quotation in my Masters dissertation in 1981. Most days, I feel like I'm losing the battle. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. If it's not ok then it's not the end" John Lennon. Count your life with smiles, not tears, Everything will be ok in the end. Count Your Life by Smiles, Not Tears. $97.50 (20% off) More colors. As John Lennon said, "Everything will be OK in the end. FALSCHZITATE mit Belegen und Kommentaren. This, apparently, is a message a great many people want to hear, whether its stated directly or merely implied in the way McKuen talks or sings or writes about the things that matter most to him. Playboy Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono: Published in January 1981 issue. If it's not ok, it's not the end! If it's not okay, it's not the end. (Verified on paper), 2006, The Quote Verifier by Ralph Keyes, Page 123-124 and 305, St Martins Griffin, New York. (Verified with scans; thanks to Laurence Horn and the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University), [2] 1920 August 14, The Buffalo Enquirer, Right Off the Reel, Quote Page 7, Column 3, Buffalo, New York. Doubtful. It soon became a powerhouse, competing with IBM who were the market leaders in computers. An explanatory anecdote was given to introduce the punchline. Sally Jessy Raphael? John Lennon died in 1980. ", "Everything is OK in the end. Here is the key passage followed by a translation into English. Robert Bloch? The best thing that you should do is stay focused on your life. Count your nights by stars not shadows; Reply from Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in the 1988 Brazilian Portuguese book O tabuleiro de damas (The checkerboard) by Fernando Sabino. Many thanks to German quotation expert Gerald Krieghofer for his valuable research on this topic which is available here.
TOP 25 QUOTES BY JOHN LENNON (of 624) | A-Z Quotes May Pang Talks John Lennon Romance in 'The Lost Weekend' Trailer (Verified with scans; thanks to. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Interviewed by David Sheff, September 1980. ". And those times force us to develop some psychological issues like frustration, depression, anxiety as well as melancholia. Go to table of contents. Se no deu, ainda no chegou ao fim. Use Affirmations to counter negative thoughts and change your mindset. (3) Everything will be all right in the end; so if it is not all right, it is not yet the end. The original says, No fim, tudo d certo. It is likely that the attribution above was referencing him. John Lennon, When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. And not only broke, but I havent eaten in so long that the old belt wont pull any tighter.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the (Google Books Full View) link. Details are given further below. (Online Archive of page scans of The, Count Your Age by Friends, Not Years. Count your life with smilesnot tears Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US.
Everything Will Be OK in the End. If It's Not OK It's Not the End dont remember clouds at all! Monday Quotes. Marilyn Manson? Dear Quote Investigator: The following humorous pun about comeuppance for poor behavior has been attributed to the famous comedian Groucho Marx. Tears for Fears? "Everything will be okay in the end. Se no deu, porque ainda no chegou ao fim., Perhaps the best thing that I can remember is what he said to me one day when he found me in the grip of a mental affliction: My son, everything works out in the end. ' Gimme Some Truth ' appears on John Lennon's 1971 album Imagine, and in a sense it serves as the aesthetic and ideological counterbalance of that album's legendary title track. Love is a souvenir Finis for the $5. " A dream you dream alone is only a dream. The supposed evidence was a press release for his 1970 solo album, McCartney, where he revealed he was . Fernando Sabino? There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Additional detailed information is available in the Quote Investigator article on the Medium website which is available here. The earliest evidence of this quotation located by QI was printed in a newspaper in 1927. 7. If it's not okay, it's not the end.". (Online Archive of page scans of The New Yorker; Accessed July 21 2013). The poem desired by S. H. (Feb. 3) appears as a popular birthday card and bears no authors name. (John Lennon)" (Erste Zuschreibung an John Lennon) 2010 "am ende wird alles gut und wenn es nicht gut ist, ist es noch nicht das ende (oscar wilde)"; 2011. Count your life by smiles, not tears. And in the end, everything is going to be okay. ", "Everything will be okay in the end. As far as Im aware its a quote from John Lennon. (Verified with scans), [9] 2006 September 26, Ledger-Enquirer, Section: Thrive, Its Hard Getting Back in Motion by Mandy Ochoa, Quote Page Thrive2, Columbus, Georgia. There is some more to your life. Unknown. John, Honesty is the key to lead to good fortunes. "I've always known, in the darkest moments, that if you believe, every single thing is gonna be alright.". With Don Hertzfeldt. My goal is to post Positive and Inspiring quotes and I hope that these are as encouraging. If it's not okay, it's not the end. Rock Quotes. never by the leaves that fall; Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho once said, Everything will be okay in the end. "Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.". Birthday Card? There is much more to life than just misfortune, There are times when you do something good yet do not get enough appreciation for something that you, Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. Reply from Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in the 1988 Brazilian Portuguese book O tabuleiro de damas (The checkerboard) by Fernando Sabino. (Verified with scans; thanks to Continue reading, O melhor, talvez, que me lembre, foi o que me disse um dia em que me encontrou entregue aflio de esprito: Meu filho, tudo no fim d certo. Ive also seen it attributed to John Lennon. -John Lennon ~ hand stamped metal beaded stretch bracelet ~ mantra ad vertisement by acraftyduck. Groucho Marx?
Why did John Lennon hate 'Let It Be'? - Far Out Magazine So, do not comprehend that it is the end if you are going through adverse situations. -John Lennon " I can't wake you up. During a broadcast in 1937 Valle asked Case about skippers, hotel guests who attempt to leave without paying their bills. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. They were part of a larger poem that was printed in a birthday card given to a woman in Richfield Springs, New York when she attained her ninetieth year:[1] 1927 January 27, Richfield Mercury, Ninetieth Birthday Celebrated at Monticello, Quote Page 1, Column 6, Richfield Springs, New York. I have not seen any convincing evidence identifying the origin. In April 1971 The New York Times profiled McKuen, and reported his message which was a concise version of the saying listed above. Here were two items from the collection:. Und wenn es nicht gut ist, dann ist es nicht das Ende. ", "Am Ende wird alles gut. These words have been attributed to Lennon: The price of fame is not being able to go to the Phil for a quiet pint.
Everything Will Be Ok in the End If It's Not Okay It's Not the End John And I'm a nauseatingly upbeat human. But he uses John Lennon's quote for daily inspiration: "Everything will be OK in the end. J. John Lennon has been dead as long as he was alive - it was 40 years today that he was shot on the steps of the Dakota . "The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. The article presented a different identity for the author of the poem:[6]1935 April 20, The New Yorker, Onward and Upward With the Arts: Terse Verse by E. B. (Verified on paper). Every day, when I was feeling low, I would repeat the words of Oscar Wilde: Everything is going to be fine in the end. Every terrifying tweet. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function. Jennifer Hudson. If it's not okay, it's not the end.". (Newspapers_com), 1935 April 20, The New Yorker, Onward and Upward With the Arts: Terse Verse by E. B. "Everything will be okay in the end. Lennon died in 1980, and the words were linked to him by 1997. Even so, an undeniable pall hung over the tour, a grueling series of 19 shows spread over 17 days in 14 different cities. Would you please explore this topic? Original Price from 46.84 Thomas a Kempis? Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like. (Verified on paper), They Asked Me What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up. Count your age by friends, not years. 2017 Jan 10 - John Lennon Quote: "Everything will be okay in the end. Sonny Kapoor: 'In India, we have a saying - everything will be all right in the . Article 1981 Playboy Press. We dont have much trouble with skippers. Everything will be okay in the end. And with joy on this, your birthday, Original Price from 23.30 2017 Jan 10 - John Lennon Quote: "Everything will be okay in the end. Hugh from Homewood, AL APRIL 8, 2020. (Accessed on May 26, 2017), Date: 1933 February 28, Newspaper: The Anniston Star, Section: Social News Personal Mention Womens Clubs, Social Editor: Iva Cook, Article: How Count Your Garden Was Written, Quote Page 5, Column 1, Anniston, Alabama. (Verified on paper), Life is What Happens To You While Youre Busy Making Other Plans, on Life is What Happens To You While Youre Busy Making Other Plans, Everything Will Be OK in the End. If I should write a greeting verse for you, would you buy it? Write it, and Ill see what I can do, said the editor. You don't have to see it now, but trust that it'll be OK.
(NewsBank Access World News), [6] 2002 November 3, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Section: Pulse, Take time to nurture your spirit by Georgia W. Barkers (The Attitude Nurse), Quote Page PUL4, Column 4, Atlanta, Georgia. John Lennon? what do you want to be? Jahrhundert zu finden. Appreciate the gentle scolding. "Everything will be okay in the end. But hurdles have to be jumped through first.". If Its Not OK Its Not the End, 1988 Copyright, O tabuleiro de damas (The Checkerboard) by Fernando Sabino, Chapter: VIVNCIA, Quote Page 79, Publisher: Editora Record, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (ProQuest). Illustration from Peggy_Marco at Pixabay. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Attitudes have changed over the years and some statements in this family grate on many modern ears. You dont always see them, but you know they are always there. Just the idea that the individual is capable of looking after himself, that we dont need centralized government, that we dont need father-figures and leaders, that every child is an artist until hes told hes not an artist, that every person is great until some demagogue makes him less great. But instead of relying on himself to piece together the song fragments, he'd use Paul as a sounding board. If it's not OK, it's not the end." ' Imagine ' evokes a utopian world in which our heightened consciousness would make everything that . The prevalence of incorrect ascriptions is irritating to me. Count your nights by starsnot shadows; count your life with smilesnot tears.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Bed-In: Behind the Photo | Time If its not fine, its not the end.. Quotes To Live By. (NewsBank Access World News), [8] 2004, Uncle Johns Colossal Collection of Quotable Quotes by the Bathroom Readers Institute, Section: Anonymous Who?, Quote Page 315, Column 2, Bathroom Readers Press, Ashland, Oregon. (Fawcett stated that the quotation was spoken during an interview given by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in an office at Apple Records in 1969)(Verified with scans), Website: Old Time Radio Downloads, Audio title: Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour Guest Tallulah Bankhead, Audio description: Frank Case was also a guest, Air Date on website: June 17, 1937, Audio quotation location: 38 mins, 58 secs of 57 mins 44 secs) Website description: Audio files of old radio show broadcasts.
Everything Will Be Ok in the End John Lennon - Etsy "Everything will be okay in the end. Question for Quote Investigator: Recently, a medical emergency threw all my carefully constructed plans into complete disarray. (NewsBank Access World News), [5] 2001 July 15, News of the World, Festival of hate shames our land by Bishop Pat Buckley, Section: Features, Quote Page Eire 11, London, England. %20
Devils Hole Missing Divers,
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Summit Medical Group Berkeley Heights Lawrence Pavilion,
Black Krrsantan Vs Bossk,
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