how does flak ammunition work
Proximity fusing is used on several types of ordinance to cause an airburst and greatly increase lethality against soft targets. Facing flak over 'RSS illiterate' remark, Kumar Vishwas issues clarification,In a video, Kumar Vishwas said that he was talking about a boy who works in his office and, coincidentally, is also an RSS worker. Absolute yikes. A great little gun that packs 10+1 rounds of 9mm and features a 3.4" barrel - perfect for our carry gun test. Influence firing mechanisms often use a combination of acoustic and magnetic induction receivers. I was wondering how such weapon could possibly work, how would cycling ammo work with such a shape and configuration, how does the weapon remove used cartridges from the barrel, how the heck does fresh ammo get in the barrel in the first place (you just see a new shot move magically into the firing chamber). Tracer bullets contain a substance that burns and gives off light, aiding the gunner in aiming. Some modern air-to-air missiles (e.g. I'm glad that diagram depicted a goose, I hope it was Canadian. One of them was an anti-aircraft shell that had spring-loaded wings that would pop out and slice through enemy aircraft. Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. It is possible that this is a mistake by the author of the report, and that his is intended to refer to limbered guns . What does cholera look like under a microscope? The obvious choice would be the Luftwaffes AA defenses, but I would point to the US Navys development of the VT fuse or radar equipped proximity fuse. My first 3D printed model: 1/35 Sondernhnger Sd. Ah. 56/57 single axle This problem was resolved by taking advantage of the change in frequency of the reflected signal. Was armour speed a better defence from flak? This design was used in both the British No44 Pistol and the German Rheinmetall-Borsig BAZ 55A fuzes. Flash Sale. 50 Rounds of 124gr MC 9mm Ammo by Remington. That means the fuse was outperforming traditional rounds three to one in routine combat conditions. If the Luftwaffe had this shell the Allied bombing campaign would have been far more costly, or stopped altogether. Answer (1 of 18): A good way of describing flak is a mid-air grenade. [37] Other locations include Ft. Fisher in North Carolina and Blossom Point, Maryland. [64] [65], During WW2, the Germans had at least five acoustic fuzes for anti-aircraft use under development, though none saw operational service. Flak jacket Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Flak jackets were never designed or developed to provide protection against gunfire, though some can sustain the velocity of a bullet depending on the specific body armor and weapon. Why dont we use flak on people. Indeed when you compare these numbers to the more effective 128mm AA gun the numbers are intriguing. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. [9] Tuve's group was known as Section T, not APL, throughout the war. Notes. The signals were in-phase one instant and out-of-phase a few hundred microseconds later. How Germany's 88mm Anti-Aircraft Gun Introduced the FLAK Into the WWII Naval Kriegsmarine Coastal Flak Artillery Badge For sale: 88mm - $100,000 - $150,000. Similarly, incendiary ammunition was used against non-rigid observation balloons. This is particularly dangerous when they strike flammable substances or dry brush. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Darius has done some amazing work researching this vehicle and although he admits there are a few small areas that are still difficult to 100% accurately ascertain, dimensionally . Ammo - Global wiki. As the saying goes, the more flak that's incoming, the more certain you can be that you are over the target. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. how does flak ammunition work - They made the Allied heavy artillery far more devastating, as all the shells now exploded just before hitting the ground. [28], Prior to and following receipt of circuitry designs from the British, various experiments were carried out by Richard B. Roberts, Henry H. Porter, and Robert B. Brode under the direction of NDRC Section T Chairman Merle Tuve. The allies had the edge with the VT fuse. You have to remember that the Luftwaffe flak arm played a dual role. Others mentioned how flak guns were used in Vietnam, I went on an immersion trip with my college down to one of the poorest counties in the U.S. met a pastor there and helped him fix up his church, and some of the nearby buildings. Work was split in 1942, with Tuve's group working on proximity fuzes for shells, while the National Bureau of Standards researchers focused on the technically easier task of bombs and rockets. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Browning M2 .50 Caliber Machine Gun, Heavy barrel is an automatic, recoil operated, air-cooled machine gun with adjustable headspace and is crew transportable with limited amounts of . In order to be used with gun projectiles, which experience extremely high acceleration and centrifugal forces, the fuze design also needed to utilize many shock hardening techniques. The most common type of shell contains shotround pellets of lead or steelinstead . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The gun is the most visible part, but the whole system must work well to make the gun effective. Category:Alternate Ammunition - BattleTechWiki Flak in World War II takes the reader from the invasion of Poland in 1939 right to the last Japanese aircraft shot down by AA fire in August 1945. A German artillery crew relaxes next to their 88 mm gun. [26][27], Looking for a short-term solution to the valve problem, in 1940 the British ordered 20,000 miniature tubes from Western Electric Company and Radio Corporation of America that were intended for use in hearing aids. Its interesting that we continue to use the term todaycatching flak at the office as one example., Flak in the Second World War was very effective. AA guns are actually rather effective against soft ground targets, too. Blank ammunition, used in training and for salutes, has a paper, wax, or plastic wad or pellet in place of the bullet. Fuzes of this type can be defeated by degaussing, using non-metal hulls for ships (especially minesweepers) or by magnetic induction loops fitted to aircraft or towed buoys. Listed is also some of the guns captured from other countries and used by the German armed forces. To shoot right click with the loaded gun in your hand and it should shoot. 4 How many shells does a flak gun fire per minute? @JeremyECrawford already have a question. [citation needed] To prevent premature detonation, the inbuilt battery that armed the shell had a several millisecond delay before its electrolytes were activated, giving the projectile time to clear the area of the gun.[45]. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Wwii German Third Reich Flak Artillery Badge [2] The British Royal Flying Corps forbade the use of incendiary ammunition for air-to-air combat with another airplane, as their use against personnel was at first considered to be a violation of the St. Petersburg Declaration. how does flak ammunition work - Flak is an acronym/initialism forthe German word, Flugabwehrkanone, meaning aircraft-defence cannon. [35][36] On 6 May 1941, the NBS team built six fuzes which were placed in air-dropped bombs and successfully tested over water. (U.S. Navy) It even potentially saved the life of one of its creators, Dr. Van Allen. . A proximity fuze (or fuse) is a fuze that detonates an explosive device automatically when the distance to the target becomes smaller than a predetermined value. This meant a total of 80 rounds for M1 Garand riflemen. Any analysis that does not examine all components of the system, and acknowledge that interference with any part of it can sharply reduce its effectiveness, is incomplete. Focused: Has a tighter spread for focusing far-away enemies or tight groups. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. Shell Guide - Official From the Depths Wiki Great story. When an 88mm projectile exploded at altitude, it sent out jagged All of these earlier methods have disadvantages. [9] Rockets have relatively low acceleration and no spin creating centrifugal force, so the stresses on the delicate electronic fuze are relatively benign. Facing flak over 'RSS illiterate' remark, Kumar Vishwas issues | Latest News India Not FLAK in particular but I wanted to clear up a bit about fragmentation shells in general. how does flak ammunition work Ammunition. The fabricated sniper rifle also doesn't need a scope attachment since it comes as part of the gun . Regular $49.99 (Save $15.00) So the changing phase relationship between the oscillator signal and the reflected signal complicated the measurement of the amplitude of that small reflected signal. But when the reflected signal was out of phase then the combined radio signal amplitude would decrease, which would decrease the plate current. To craft you need a weapons box and some materials (Iron, wood, and gunpowder mostly). Publicado el junio 1, 2022 por junio 1, 2022 por Nevertheless, it did a good job of stopping shell blasts, rocket fragments, and slow speed bullets fired at a moderate range. When I say sheer firepower, in January 1944 20,625 flak guns were protecting the Reich, and even a German Flak officer estimated 4,000 x 88mm shells were needed to down one bomber. Front shows a flak 88 artillery gun in the center with a German eagle clutching a swastika in his talons at the top. 20mm flak ammo - Axis History Forum Like its World War II namesake, the Flakpanzer 38 (t), the Gepard was based on the hull of an existing tank. It had a low muzzle velocity and was only accurate to about 200 yards, assuming ammunition was available to fire - which was rarely. Flak Hit Statistics For World War II Heavy Bombers - YouTube Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The flammable hydrogen gas of the zeppelins made incendiary bullets much more deadly than standard ones which would pass through the outer skin without igniting the gas. Due to the increase of people asking what kind of shell they should use with their gun that has X and Y stats, here is a guide to help you pick. "[27] The critical work of adapting the fuze for anti-aircraft shells was done in the United States, not in England. Shorter barrel, a little less velocity, and a good bit more stress on hollow point performance through barriers. Entering service in 1965, the Leopard 1 is one of the most famous tanks of the Cold War and Modern Era. 12.8cm FlaK 40 - Military Factory [48] Testing also occurred at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, where about 15,000 bombs were fired. Advanced Sniper Bullet - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki For sale: 88mm - $100,000 - $150,000 - Whats the difference back then to your description? [64] [66], During WW2, the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) investigated the use of acoustic proximity fuzes for anti-aircraft weapons but concluded that there were more promising technological approaches. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As the shell approaches a reflecting object, an interference pattern is created. Many postwar histories accepted the testimony of leading figures within the Luftwaffe that ground based AA defences achieved limited success in destroying Allied bombers. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Items that can be anointed include weapons, shields, and grenade mods. What are Lock Patterns for Android phones? Radio frequency sensing (radar) is the main sensing principle for artillery shells. At the beginning of the war, the first British gun-laying Mark I (GL I) radars entered service with several AA batteries. Flans Mod: Guns and Ammo (Minecraft) : 6 Steps - Instructables When the reflected signal was in phase, the oscillator amplitude would increase and the oscillator's plate current would also increase. hospital valet job description how does flak ammunition work. Having a flexible doctrine, the Germans used their anti-aircraft pieces in ground support . They were not nearly as effective at puncturing bomber aircraft as armor-piercing bullets, but were far more effective than standard bullets because they could also ignite fuel if they came into contact with a fuel tank or pipeline. 8,8 cm Flak 18, 36, and 37 - Panzerworld There was a reason the official histories downplayed the effectiveness of German flak. And if that don't work use more gun.". How do AA cannon ammunition work - Occupation Pride Timeless classic about anti-aircraft flak. Due to the forward speed of the bomber, bombs fitted with pressure detonators would all explode at about the same height above ground along a horizontal trajectory. It was first tested as a part of a detonation device for bombs that were to be dropped over bomber aircraft, part of the UK's Air Ministry's "bombs on bombers" concept. Welcome to the WWII Forums! Spreader: Used against swarms in order to spread out the shots and damage as many as possible. When an 88 shell hit directly, it often completely destroyed a bomber. what happened to the owners of warwick castle? Answer (1 of 7): > how and why does a plane still go down if the flak missed? university of phoenix alumni license plate frame. The 128mm FlaK 40 was one of the largest anti-aircraft weapon systems employed by the Germans in World War 2. Dnepro Model DM3518-1/35 German 88mm FLAK 36 ammo ammo box scale model [4], Belgian inventor de Wilde, who was living in Switzerland, invented a new bullet in 1938. No wonder they abbreviated it.). At the start of The Blitz, it was estimated that it took 20,000 rounds to shoot down a single aircraft, [6] other estimates put the figure as high as 100,000[7] or as low as 2,500. An example of flak is the exploding ammunition that can damage a military plane when flying over enemy territory. With their moderate rate of fire, and typically inexpensive ammunition, they can make for good defensive weapons. [25] Pye's research was transferred to the United States as part of the technology package delivered by the Tizard Mission when the United States entered the war. A timer fuze can be set to explode a few meters above the ground but the timing is vital and usually requires observers to provide information for adjusting the timing. There are few weapons (aside from shotguns and large game hunting rifles) which have been built that fire projectiles between .50 caliber (0.50 inches/12.7 mm, roughly 13 mm caliber) and 20mm caliber, though the 14.5 mm caliber is used by some Soviet machineguns such as the KPV and antitank rifles such as PTRS, PTRD, and . [46] Captain S. R. Shumaker, Director of the Bureau of Ordnance's Research and Development Division, coined the term to be descriptive without hinting at the technology. The gun pits were arranged to enable the high altitude flak guns ( probably British army 3.7 in guns) fire in unison to create a box pattern when the shells exploded at the preset height and would follow the track of the bombers That was the means a lethal zone was put where the bombers were expected to be. It was a game changer and fortunately for the US Navy they had it when the kamikaze appeared. 50 Rounds of 140gr FMJ 9mm Subsonic Ammo by Sellier & Bellot. Flak is defined as the bursting shells shot at aircraft from enemy guns on the ground, or criticism or opposition. [5] This was adopted by British forces as the 0.303 Incendiary B Mark VI. Finally the shot would be grabbed by the "grabbing things" (the heck are they called) you see on the moving barrel. The return signal is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the distance. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Armor Penetration Table. Incendiary ammunition is a type of ammunition that contains a chemical that, upon hitting a hard obstacle, has the characteristic of causing fire/setting flammable materials in the vicinity of the impact on fire. The Fabricated Sniper Rifle is a ranged weapon, a more advanced version of the Longneck Rifle. What is the black smoke coming out of the shells? Also the ammo of choice when Dick Cheney decides to shoot someone in the face. Over the course of the German V-1 campaign, the proportion of flying bombs flying through the coastal gun belt that were destroyed rose from 17% to 74%, reaching 82% during one day. This gun served as the main armament of the Tiger I heavy tank. Which aircraft type could withstand the most damage? Finally the shot would be grabbed by the "grabbing things" (the heck are they called) you see on the moving barrel. The B Mark VI incendiary bullets were first issued in June 1940 and tested operationally in the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire in the air battles over Dunkirk. German WWII Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Badge. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Wednesday: Hili dialogue - Why Evolution Is True They're running out of ammunition. An Introduction to Collecting Artillery Shells and Shell Casings Flak, or Fliegerabwehrkanone, works by arming artillery class cannons for the use of Anti-Air duties. [58] After General Dwight D. Eisenhower demanded he be allowed to use the fuzes, 200,000 shells with VT fuzes (code named "POZIT"[59]) were used in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. Flakpanzer 341 - War Thunder Wiki The former as the. When the target was far away, little of the oscillator's transmitted energy would be reflected to the fuze. 2 Answers. In response to OPs question, the answer involves the invention of Radar. (Yikes! While no one invention won the war, the proximity fuze must be listed among the very small group of developments, such as radar, upon which victory very largely depended. against light targets such as infantry and non-armored vehicles. Heaven High, Hell Deep 1917-1918, Normal Archibald, "The Battle of Britain: Armament of the Competing Fighters",, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 13:29. (LogOut/ [9] Their system involved a small, short range, Doppler radar. Inconvenient Truths - by Endurance - Weathering The Storm Incendiary projectiles, in particular those intended for armor penetration, are more effective if they explode after penetrating a surface layer, such that they explode inside the target. Others, such as the Czechoslovak 37 mm and 47 mm guns and the Russian . Indeed, even before the kamikaze appeared the US Navy made major improvement to their ships AA defenses with better radar direction, improved AA directors and gunsights and most importantly, more guns. Getting that right was harder than you would think with the limited means of getting the planes altitude and speed right and they would only have a few minutes at most to do so. Incendiary ammunition is a type of ammunition that contains a chemical that, upon hitting a hard obstacle, has the characteristic of causing fire/setting flammable materials in the vicinity of the impact on fire. 56/57 single axle ammunition trailer towed by late war self-propelled Flak guns. The same is true of bombers. Flak is basically a cannon that launches a shell up in the air, in the path of the airplane, and the shell explodes when it gets up there, sending pellets in all directions, hopefully hitting the airplane nearby, like in that graphic. I can't remember where I read it now but in the early days of World War Two, the British Air Ministry was deluged with well-meaning crackpot ideas. Upon being triggered, the thyratron conducted a large current that set off the electrical detonator. These are enough to make up for its cons. Coilguns shoot high velocity bolts that deal damage to anything they hit. The US found that flak that was high generally caused some damage to bombers but was far less likely to shoot them down than flak that was low. Shrapnel wounds became so common that eventually any wound from a metal fragment tended to be called "shrapnel" in general: from hang grenades, from debris thrown by an explosion, etc. US Navy development and early production was outsourced to the Wurlitzer company, at their barrel organ factory in North Tonawanda, New York.[49]. The Columbia survived, but 13 crew members were killed. Flak: myth versus reality with Donald Nijboer | Hush-Kit An HE-Frag shell with time fuse. Used for example when the enemy is situated out of the line-of-sight in a trench or behind a mound. 50 Rounds of 115gr FMJ 9mm Ammo by Winchester. US $63.98. [68], During WW2, pressure activated fuzes were developed for sticks (or trains) of bombs to create above ground airbursts. [9] A breadboard circuit was constructed and the concept was tested in the laboratory by moving a sheet of tin at various distances. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". [ 12 August 2002, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: Martin Bull ], [ 12 August 2002, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Martin Bull ], [ 13 August 2002, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: Martin Bull ], (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Warpath Units Guide | Complete List (February 2023 Update) Doppler Radar was able to detect how close objects are to the radio wave source. how does flak ammunition work - Ammo. A Fearsome Feline. It was more of a gun-assisting radar with limited capabilities. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Eine andere -Site. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This gun served as the main armament of the Tiger I heavy tank. The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes will feature the finest cuts from this site along with exclusive new articles, explosive photography and gorgeous bespoke illustrations. This signal is sent through a band-pass filter, amplified, and triggers the detonation when it exceeds a given amplitude. The units come from different Camps in Warpath. NOTE: Click on images to view larger size. A common form used in modern air-to-air weapons uses a laser as an optical source and time-of-flight for ranging. Early field testing connected the circuit to a thyratron trigger operating a tower-mounted camera which photographed passing aircraft to determine distance of fuze function. The tests were to be conducted over two days, but the testing stopped when drones were destroyed early on the first day. Proximity fuzes are designed for targets such as planes, missiles, ships at sea, and ground forces. Rounds are shot into the air which then explode damaging aircraft with the explosion and shrapnel. Flak-How does it truly work? | WWII Forums Why choose humask pro masks?Why choose humask pro masks? Image courtesy the German Federal Archive. [10], In September 1940, the Tizard Mission travelled to the US to introduce their researchers to a number of UK developments, and the topic of proximity fuses was raised. In many ways the term gun-laying was a misnomer when applied to the GL I.
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