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dance science fair projects

Science has always been an integral part of dance, with physics and anatomy class being an essential part of training at many schools. Build & Test a Search-and-Rescue Robot, Squishy Robot Simulator: Physics Settings, Squishy Robots: Build an Air-Powered Soft Robotic Gripper, Take a Hike: Train Your Robot Dog to Walk with a Virtual Leash, That's Creepy! Compare the tiny movements of a dancer's balanced body to other types of structures, such as shock absorbers or architectural designs. Get Something for Nothing: Free Power from the Sun! Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. Do you have specific questions about your science project? Are Soil Microorganisms Important for Plant Health? Amazon.com, Team Building Activities. From this, take 20 mL for the initial experiment. Electric Play Dough Project 2: Rig Your Creations With Lots of Lights! Science Fair Board. How Well Do Different Materials Create Static Electricity? How Do Under-Inflated Tires Affect the Difficulty of Riding a Bike? Remember that LEDs will only light up when current passes through them in the proper direction. If You're a Computer! I think its more than a trend, he says. #InnovateFlorida. Proprioception is your sense of your body in space, knowing where your limbs are and how they relate to each other, and having a sense of balance. Each switch turns a set of four red and four green LEDs on and off and cycles through a combination of red LEDs lit, green LEDs lit, both LEDs lit, and no LEDs lit. How would you rate the ergonomics of your glove? Watch Out! Simple Harmonic Motion in a Spring-Mass System, Slip Sliding Away: Experimenting with Friction, Spare-Change Circus: Walking Coins on a (Vertical!) Use multiple power switches to control different-colored LEDs on your gloves. Dance-Related Science Fair Projects Science fair projects don't have to be limited to only those that can easily explain through numbers and data. Effect of Temperature on Elasticity of Rubber Bands, Effect of Trebuchet Arm Length or Counterweight Mass on Projectile Distance, Feeding Fido & Fluffy: Designing an Automatic Pet Feeder, Give Yourself a Lift: Lightening the Load with Pulleys. Going Green as You Clean: Are 'Green' Detergents Less Toxic Than Conventional Detergents? Use a Catapult to Storm Castle Walls, Using a Laser Pointer to Measure the Data Track Spacing on CDs and DVDs, Using a Laser to Measure the Speed of Light in Gelatin, Watching Nuclear Particles: See Background Radiation Zoom Through A Cloud Chamber, What Goes Up, Must Come Down: Conduct Galileo's Famous Falling Objects Experiment. If you have any comments (positive or negative) related to purchases you've made for science projects from recommendations on our site, please let us know. Size vs. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. You can also learn more about electricity in the Science Buddies Electricity, Magnetism, & Electromagnetism Tutorial. Modifying Bending Stresses in a Flexible Rod, You Nailed It! An electric circuit is simply a closed loop through which electricity can continuously move. Does Temperature Affect the Rate of Butterfly Development? Temperature, Is it Getting Hot in Here? Most electronic devices that you use every day have specialized circuits inside them. He Huffed, and He Puffed, But Didn't Blow the House Down! Now that we know that gravitational force, normal force, and friction act upon the dancer, we need to know-how? Mapping Troposphere Ozone Levels Over Time. While these downward forces are trying to accelerate the skydiver toward the ground, upward forces such as air resistance prevent this and slow down the skydiver. Spotting is a technique used by ballet dancers to avoid dizziness while spinning, where the dancer keeps her eyes fixed to a single spot and spins her head in one quick turn during a spin, rather than spinning along with the rate of the rest of her body. Is this choice the least-expensive choice? Toxic Trees: Just How Toxic is That Black Walnut Tree? Do you think you can make gloves that are good enough to win a competition? Where Do Earthworms Hang Out When Food Is Around? A Study of Plant Population Density, Moss is Boss: Using Plants to Determine Direction, One Bad Apple Spoils the Whole Bunch: An Experiment on the Plant Hormone Ethylene, Plants Are On The Move! Dog Toys: What Makes One a Favorite or a Flop to Fido? Can Water Plants Be Used to Determine Water Quality? Understanding Delayed Gratification, Fear Factor: Using Pulse Rate to Measure Emotion. You will have to add an insulator between the square pieces so that they are not always touching (and so that the lightbulb or buzzer is not always on). No matter what dance-related subject you choose, present your hypothesis, research and conclusions using visual aids including DVDs, videos and photographs; or if possible a live dancer can demonstrate different movements and steps. Neanderthals, Orangutans, Lemurs, & You—It's a Primate Family Reunion! Michelle Maranowski, PhD, Science Buddies, This project is based on the video at Design Squad PBS: WGBH Educational Foundation. In this electronics and electricity science fair project, you will use a simple circuit and other materials to make a dance pad. Rocketology: Baking Soda + Vinegar = Lift Off! The ground pushes back up at the dancer at the same speed and with the same strength, creating the force for pointe shoes to work. Use Artificial Intelligence to Classify Faces, Identify Road Signs with Machine Learning, Calculating the Circumference of the Earth, Colorizing Images from the James Webb Space Telescope, Correlation of Coronal Mass Ejections with the Solar Sunspot Cycle, Detecting Exoplanets Using Transit Photometry—Advanced, Dirty Snowballs: How a Comet's Size Affects How Fast It Melts, Finding the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy Using Globular Star Clusters. What is the Cheapest Way to Launch Payloads into Space? The Point of a Parabola: Focusing Signals for a Better Wireless Network, Use an Arduino™ to Control a Color-Changing Infinity Mirror. Get Your Grilled Cheese Oooey Gooey Instead of Oily and Gloppy, Shimmy, Shimmy Soda Pop: Develop Your Own Soda Pop Recipe. When the switch is opened, the loop is opened and electricity can't flow through the circuit. Relationships Between Variables: Using Correlation and Linear Regression, The Effects of Card Counting on a Simple Card Game. From Brine to Beverage: Solar-Powered Salt Removal, From Contaminated to Clean: How Filtering Can Clean Water, From Turbid to Clear: How Flocculation Cleans Up Drinking Water. They know when they are feeling unstable a lot sooner than non-dancers do. The Science Experiment: Dance's Growing Scientific Curiosity Investigate the 'Death' of an Orange: How is Rate of Heat Loss Based on the Surrounding Temperature? Cut the cardboard into two 12-in. There are three forces acting on a dancer while he or she is in the air. Does the material of the dance pad degrade? How Salty Does the Sea Have to Be for an Egg to Float? What if you want to hook up more than one light to a battery, like putting multiple LEDs onto a dance glove? When printing this document, you may NOT modify it in any way. episode Bodies Electric and see how the Design Squad students brainstorm to build a more-complicated dance pad. celebratations Bhavitha school science fair #science #dance #projects # You could even try making a "dance" video. Build a Levitating Water Fountain with the Stroboscopic Effect, Circus-Trick Science: How to Balance Anything. A Football? Design Your Own 3D Printed Optical Illusion, Human Perception of the Anomalous Mirror Symmetry Illusion, A Change in the Winds: Studying Bernoulli's Principle. You may also need to increase the size and redo the placement of the copper foil so that there is enough contact area. Determining Vitamin C Amounts in Cooked Potatoes, Hot Pot: Choosing the Right Pot in Which to Cook Your Meals. Invite your volunteers to help test. Twist it together with the bare end of one of the wires you stripped in step one. Uncovering Hidden Sugar in Your Food, What are the Odds? Follow the diagram you made in Step 1 to sew electrical connections using the conductive thread. Consumer electronic devices like cell phones, MP3 players, and video game controllers must be ergonomic and fit easily into the human hand. Tricks for Treats: How Long Does It Take to Train Your Pet? Dancing takes place on a similar principle. Can Baking Soda Substitute for Baking Powder in a Recipe? You've Got Permission to Be a Backseat Driver! DANCING CORN Fall is the perfect time to experiment with pumpkins. x 1/8 in. After completing a Bachelors degree in dance science at CSULB, students will be able to integrate the concepts of leading scientists and researchers within neuroscience, biomechanics, and psychology that guide their exploration of both fundamental and chronicle questions in the advancement of the self. Winning Science Fair Project Ideas for Kids - Homeschool Giveaways But this can only happen in a balanced manner if the centre of gravity is aligned with the point of contact. The results suggest that everyones sensory cues are based on the same unconscious system for telling them when their bodies are spinning at a dangerous speed. How Far Will It Fly? Experiment in Psychology Science Projects (38 results) Explore the psychology of human behavior, why people act the way they do, or cognition, how people learn. To help you find a topic that can hold your interest, Science Buddies has also developed the Topic Selection Wizard. In the past five years, artists from Jonah Bokaer to Miguel Gutierrez to Wayne McGregor have peered into the science of the brain, exploring memory and perception in relation to movement. This video Skiing and Friction: How Does Ski Wax Affect the Sliding Friction of Skis? You will have to experiment to determine the correct thickness and width of insulator. Only do this if you are confident you will not damage your circuit in the process (there is no shock hazard from the coin cell battery, so you do not need to worry if you cannot insulate the inside). Badger earned her bachelor's degree in English and religious studies from Marymount Manhattan College, and currently owns a dance and fitness studio in upstate New York. Do Your Storm Drains Keep the Ocean Trash Free? Engineering Design Project Guide Science Fair Projects With the help of our web developer Bobs SEO and years of experiments, we have assembled hundreds of free, illustrated science fair project ideas and science project experiments. Deep Knee Bends: Measuring Knee Stress with a Mechanical Model. Stealthy Shapes: How to Make an Aircraft Invisible to Radar, Stop the Train! Choice Cheesecakes: Which Baking Method is the Best? Measuring the Diameter of the Sun and the Moon. All entries are due by April 19, 2023. This means your design must be ergonomic. What Makes a Good Aerodynamic Design? Antlion Pits in Open Sand or Under Leaf Cover, Are We There Yet? Measuring Enzyme Activity: Yeast Catalase, Measuring Surface Tension of Water with a Penny, Measuring the Amount of Acid in Vinegar by Titration with an Indicator Solution. Investigating this is important, as we can see the human body as a complex machine, and dance requires very complicated manoeuvres which allow dancers to communicate with their bodies. Dance Movement Psychotherapy is a holistic and integrated approach to treatment that takes the whole person and the whole of his or her experience into account. Ocean Currents: Modeling the 'Global Conveyor Belt' in Your Kitchen. Jack and Jill Went Up a Hill and Came Biking Down After: Choosing the Best Gear Ratio for Speed, Knock Your Blocks Off: The Mechanics of Carnival Games, Less Cowbell! Examine topics like stretching or potassium intake and how these things can help prevent muscle cramps, or factors like anatomy and how it relates to the difference between proper and improper techniques and causes of injury. Which Orange Juice Has the Most Vitamin C? After testing and evaluating your observations, you will arrive at a good design for the dance pad. What is the Most Effective Treatment for Whitefly Infestations on Plants? Follow the diagram you made in Step 1 to sew your LEDs and battery holder (and power switch if you purchased one separately) to your glove using regular sewing thread. It's Hard Work to Work Harden! We recommend using a fabric that can be sewn to easily, e.g. Your task is to modify the design and adapt the instructions in order to create an LED glove that is perfect for. Exploring DNA Damage: What Effect Do Ultraviolet Rays Have on Yeast Colony Growth? Why Do Flying Rings Go So Much Further Than Frisbees? How Fast Can You Become a Virtual Rock Star? How Does Solar Cell Output Vary with Incident Light Intensity? What design improvements might you make? Dancers must anticipate, calculate and respond quickly to situations they encounter in order to keep their center of gravity and rotation stable. From Black to Clear with the Magic of Photochemistry, Proving Charles' Law: Volume vs. Three general types of classes are commonly available in gyms and health clubs: cardio-focused dance classes, aerobics classes, and flexibility/muscular endurance classes. 15 Awesome Science Fair Project Ideas - The Spruce Crafts What is the appropriate amount of insulation to place between the two squares of material? As long as your child has an understanding of the 5 . Experiment with Genetically Modified Seeds, Monitor Your Plants with a Soil Moisture Sensor, Smarter Farming with Aerial Photo Analysis, Weeds Be Gone! SSEF wins ISEF! Use what you've learned to start thinking of important design criteria for your LED dance glove that involve ergonomics. Jameco Electronics. The excellent turnout shows that every leg muscle has been used to achieve the outside position of the foot joints in a turned-out position. Polymer Permeability: Which Plastic Wrap Prevents Oxidation Best? Jameco Electronics. Make Yogurt Spheres Using Molecular Gastronomy. How Does a Chick Breathe Inside Its Shell? Science Buddies participates in affiliate programs with For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Are Composite Faces More Attractive than Real Faces? Hip hop dance classes are combined with other workouts that challenge posture and endurance, such as breathing exercises and strength training. Making Mixtures: How Do Colloids Size Up? Animated image shows two switches in a circuit being turned on and off to light two sets of LEDs. Predators and Prey: How Do Cats Respond to Bird Sound Recordings? Can Nanotechnology Help Clean Up Ocean Oil Spills? Try to design and build some functional experimental models that be used to show the effects of improper pressure on joints, tendons and ligatures. 20 AMAZING Science Fair Project Ideas - Easy Science for Kids This is a tough one - look at dance from its relationship to the human body. Have you ever been to your local game arcade and seen the variety of games? If possible, ask a local dance group or company to participate in your experiment. Science Fair CSI: Can You Predict the Spatter? Linear & Nonlinear Springs, Launch Time: The Physics of Catapult Projectile Motion, Levitating Magnets: Floating Isn't Just for Magicians. Chemistry of Ice-Cream Making: Lowering the Freezing Point of Water. It also helps in neuroscience, including developing new neural connections, enabling long-term memory, and improving spatial recognition. When the foil pieces touch, the circuit loop should close and electricity should flow. For example, the LEDs and batteries in this science project were designed to be sewn directly into fabric, and you will use conductive thread instead of copper wires. Artists tend to go around problems in very original ways.. X Marks the Spot: Build a Robot to Protect Your Treasures, A Box Office Disappointment: Why the Book is Always Better than the Movie. How Do Bacteria Produce Power in a Microbial Fuel Cell? How Can Vaccines Be Used to Fight Outbreaks? A Ground-Breaking Revelation: Testing Longitudinal Waves in Different Soil Types, Beach Bum Science: Compression of Wet Sand, Compost Creativity: Try Various Methods and Test Soil Fertility, Factors that Affect the Transfer of Force through Saturated Soil, Fantastic Fossilization! You will then have to make a preliminary design and a materials list. Figure 3 shows simple open and closed circuits. 15 Cool Science Fair Projects & Ideas - Create & Learn Satellite Science: How Does Speed Affect Orbiting Altitude? Our team of volunteer scientists can help. Hey Gear Heads! Chemistry of Baking Ingredients 1: How Much Baking Powder Do Quick Breads Need? Science Buddies, a 501(c)(3) public charity, and keep our resources free for everyone. Riprap: It's Not Hip Hop But Erosion Stop, Smart Watering: Adjusting Your Sprinklers for Optimal Soil Moisture, Sustainable Construction: Building with Mushroom Roots, Water from Air: Experimenting with Dew Traps, Water-Wise: Building a Rainwater Collection System, Wild Winds: Detecting Turbulence Around Structures. Under Pressure: Ball Bouncing Dynamics Add Favorite More Menu Science Fair Project Idea Many sports use a ball in some way or another. Eggs and Hen's Diet: Can You Get Bigger Eggs for Peanuts? Go Green by Growing Green: How to Extract Energy from Grass, Green Your PC: Help Your Computer Save Power. Polar Puzzle: Will Ice Melting at the North or South Poles Cause Sea Levels to Rise? Lichenometry: An Accessible Method for Dating Recent History (Geological and Manmade), Locating an Earthquake Using a Global Seismic Network, Measuring the Diameter of the Earth's Core with Seismic Waves Around the Globe, Now You See It, Now You Don't! How Sweet It Is! "Dance Mania: Build Your Own Dance Pad!". Are there any other kinds of materials to use for dance pads? Don't let the name scare you off; your primary goal of this project should be to learn more about an area of science that interests you. Separating Mixtures: Can You Design a Device to Do It? Scientists study the mind-body relationship to better understand the link between thoughts, emotions, and the brain, focusing on how the brain reacts to and starts movement during dancing. Perform identical tests before and after they take six months of dance classes to see how dancing affects their bodies. How Do Baseball Stadium Dimensions Affect Batting Statistics? Investigating Exothermic Reaction Rates. How to Make Great Rock Candy STEM activity. It simplifies the lives in many fields, such as: The physical health of a dancer is one important aspect that can seriously affect their ability to perform well. Similar Triangles: Using Parallax to Measure Distance. Experiment in Psychology Science Projects - Science Buddies The brain of a dancer rewires itself after constant training. LED Dance Glove: Instructions to Build your Own LED Dance Glove. Perfecting Pastries: The Role of Fats in Making a Delicious Pastry, Processed Cheese, Please! Making A Candy Waterfall: Can Solids Flow Like Liquids? Mechanics help dancers proportion their weight to not overwork limbs, particularly hands and wrists. If they didnt, the center of gravity would move. Transform Drinks Into Semi-Solid Juice Balls That Pop in Your Mouth. Once you feel that you have made a large improvement, repeat steps 12 of this section. You will sandwich the simple circuit between two pieces of square material. Dance Mania: Build Your Own Dance Pad! | Science Project In ballet, dancing a perfect pointe shoe means having ones heel on the floor, and all toes pointed. Heat It Up with A Homemade Solar Air Heater. When you step on the square, the circuit will close and electricity will flow to light a lightbulb or turn on a buzzer. squares with the scissors. In order to break into this career, youll usually need a degree in dance or movement arts, often combined with a related subject like a business. Due to this intimate relationship between mind and body, dancers are in a unique position to test the connection between the two, and how it plays a role in their performance. Dance trifold board. Dancing Corn Experiment - Little Bins for Little Hands Coke® & Mentos® - Exploring Explosive Chemistry! If the switch is closed, electricity flows through the circuit and the lightbulb shines. There are many roles in the entertainment industry that require choreography. How Does Color Affect Heating by Absorption of Light? Do People Take Longer When Someone Is Waiting? Our world is increasingly fragmented, and we have a different mental picture of how things are organized around us. As technology and science grow more entwined with our daily lives, art reflects that. How Can Straw Make a Sturdy Building? Fast Food: Can Peppermint Improve Reaction Times? Use a Calorimeter to Measure the Heat Capacity of Water, Race Your Marbles to Discover a Liquid's Viscosity. Vork holds a bachelor's degree in music performance from St. Olaf College. 20. How to Make a Dimmer Switch with a Pencil. Slow Ball Race. Alternative and Recycled Materials. Dance Spirit: Always on the beat Presto! Is There Such a Thing as Streakiness in Baseball? Analyze tapes of professional dancers and use a screen-capture feature to observe the angles and shapes of their bodies. If a dancemakers most basic materials are the body, space and time, science offers ways of newly understanding and shaping all three. They use symbols to represent physical objects. Design a Kite that Flies Best in Low Winds. 10. What's the Best Way to Guarantee Fresh Bread? There's skee ball, video games, and dancing games, like Dance Dance Revolution. Measuring Glucose in Your Food. As an option, you could take photographs of the dance pads at the beginning of testing, during testing, and at the end of testing, to include in your lab notebook or on your project display board. Animal Magnetism: Do Large Mammals Align Themselves with Earth's Magnetic Field? Go Fish! The laws of physics, however, just like any other physical object in the universe, may describe the movements of a dancer. Cold Pack Chemistry: Where Does the Heat Go? For a science fair project based on balance, look at how dancers are able to balance their bodies in precarious positions. So, they will not feel dizzy after they finish spinning. Understanding How Food Becomes Rancid, Hey, Do You C My Potatoes? Learn all about the solar system when you make this Solar System Slime Recipe! Repeat steps 16 two more times so that you have three circuits. Make Your Own Piezoelectric Pickup for Acoustic Guitar. Marble Roller Coaster: How Much Height to Loop the Loop? Shoots: How do Mint Plants Branch to Form New Stems? How Much Do Different Pet Species Eat Compared to Each Other? So, how is it equalized? How Fast Does an Alka-Seltzer® Tablet Make Gas? Researchers learn that dance, and the creative arts in general offer insight into disorders such as Parkinsons disease and other movement disorders, and even mental disorders like depression. 9. Dance-Related Science Projects By Sarah Badger Make your science fair project stand out by incorporating the art of dance into your project. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get the Lead Out: Explore the Effects of pH on Lead Testing. No Whey! Learn How to Make Metals Stronger, Magnetic Levitation: Experiments with 'Anti-magnets'. Lactose, Sucrose, and Glucose: How Many Sugars are in Your Smoothie? A Comparison of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Nitrogen Fertilizers. Dance has something similar, which is called perfect score. Science is utilized in various dance genres, from contemporary to hip hop. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Does Your Mouse Know the Time on the Clock? Is There a Whole Lot of Shaking Going On? Our goal is to make science relevant and fun for everyone. Computer Sleuth: Identification by Text Analysis, Construct a Carnival Buzzer Game with a Raspberry Pi, Create Light Up Artwork with a Raspberry Pi, Design Your Own Video Game with a Raspberry Pi. (2020, June 23). Use a LilyPad Arduino and a microphone to make your LEDs respond to sound. Need Help Getting Out of a Sticky Situation? The Unconstrained Truth About Constrained-Layer Damping, Measuring Vibrational Frequency with Light, Mix It Up: Transferring Heat by Convection in a Tank, Moving Water with the Archimedes Screw Pump, Slippery Slopes and Sticking Surfaces: Explore the Forces of Friction, The Chills and Thrills of Roller-Coaster Hills, Understand Shock Levels and Packaging Principles, Veggie Snap! As gravity is pulling us down into the earth, our hips would naturally like to collapse inward upon the supporting muscles of our body. Our goal is to make science relevant and fun for everyone. required materials, and explains the procedure for building the LED dance glove. Too Much of a Good Thing? You may need to do research about connecting batteries in series and in parallel. How does each dance pad hold up under testing? In 4Chambers, Jody Oberfelder used interactive movement, installation and video to heighten participants awareness of their own beating hearts. Do you want both lights and buzzers, just lights or just buzzers? For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. Science Buddies Staff. Which dance pads do the volunteers like the most? Each volunteer, including you, should step on each dance pad 25 times. What is the Rate of Leaf Growth Along the Stem? The Physics of Bicycle Gear Ratios. Your email address will not be published. "LED Dance Glove: Get the Party Started with Your Own Interactive Light Show.". Picture This: How Visualizing Data Can Lead to the Right (or Wrong) Conclusion, Ring of Fire 1: What Volcanoes Tell Us About Plate Tectonics. Rocket Science: How High Can You Send a Payload? Students will present projects in Junior (6th - 8th grade) and Senior (9th - 12th grade) Divisions in multiple areas of study. Science Fair Project Ideas for Kids, Middle & High School Students, Education.com: What Type of Dance Burns the Most Calories, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis: Ballet Balance. Make Corn Dance Science Experiment This experiment is incredibly easy but is so cool to watch! Do You Love the Taste of Food? Browse 5th Grade Dance Hands-on Activities. Two-Point and Four-Point Methods for Measuring Small Resistances, Upstairs, Downstairs: Turning on a Light from Two Places, Use Sewable Circuits to Make Cool Costumes and Accessories, Use Super-strong Magnets to Make a Simple Motor, Using a Magnet as an Electrical Current Detector, Water Drops and Sparks! Newtons third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means you generate a force on the pointe shoe when you push against the ground; ballerinas call this pushing off. Yeast Busters: Stopping Fungus in its Tracks with Antifungal Medicines, An Aerobic Exercise: Yeast Metabolism with and without Aeration, Biowarfare: Experiment with Viruses that Destroy Bacteria. Can You Change the Rate of a Chemical Reaction by Changing the Particle Size of the Reactants? Are There Dangerous Levels of Lead in Local Soil? Design Squad Bodies Electric Season 1 episode 12. 'High Wire'. To Infinity and Beyond: Plan a City of the Future with Sim City. Creating an Ocean-Friendly Fishing Video Game. Have fun! Wire Wilt: How Light-Emitting Diodes Fade As Temperature Increases, A Cool Way to Make Electricity: Solar Cell Power Output vs. Test Different Remedies to Remove Skunk Odor, Solar-powered Chemistry: Study Chemical Reaction Rates in Ultraviolet Beads, Spaces Between Water Molecules: When 1 + 1 < 2, Study Chirality with a Homemade Polarimeter, The Chemistry of Clean: Make Your Own Soap to Study Soap Synthesis, Water to Fuel to Water: The Fuel Cycle of the Future.

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