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famous radio personalities 1940s

"Lost Horizon," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Ronald Colman; airdate November 27, 1946. ." In 1940 President Roosevelt's radio skill helped him defeat Wendell Willkie and win an unprecedented third term as President. Famous Radio Personality - List Of Famous Radio Personality - Famousbio and by a large number of people in other areas of the Western world. In the beginning of the 1930s most Americansincluding President Rooseveltshared the view that the conflict was someone else's. then cuts suddenly into a body fall. 2 Rush Limbaugh. . Powerful gossip columnist Louella Parsonswhose show, Hollywood Hotel, debuted on CBS in October 1934surmounted this fee by inducing top film stars to appear on her program for free. Some radio performers had teams of writers preparing jokes for them. "The Death Mask Killer," an episode of the police drama series Gangbusters; airdate November 11, 1950. Isolationist beliefs, opposition to the United States entering the war, made even the mention of the possibility of war controversial, but the airing of the program resulted in a thousand favorable letters being sent to CBS. Now the mass produced goods could be promoted through the mass media for mass consumption. Many of the premier entertainers of the twentieth century got their start first on stage and later in radio. How was radio used to try to change Americans view of the conflict? In 1936, however, radio transmitters reached most of the population of Spain. De man don' want no water in his milk.". The stock market crash and following Great Depression brought economic hard times to many Americans. The explosion of radio was both exhilarating and exhausting. Dame Penelope Keith represents King at funeral of Kit Hesketh-Harvey Kaltenborn also covered the Munich appeasement In 1922 he introduced the Radiola, for $75, and made radio a household appliance. 6:00 Sunriseincluding technical problems, 2:00 President Roosevelt's Address To Congress, 4:00 Baseball: Cleveland Indians at Washington Senators, 10:45 Repeat of President Roosevelt's Address to Congress, 11:00 Livingston's Orchestra (joined in progress at 11:20). Given the impacts of the Great Depression on the average citizen's entertainment budget, it seemed that everyone in America turned to radio for entertainment in the 1930s. Actors would appear on the show to plug their movies, and sometimes would appear in brief versions of their movies on "Hollywood Hotel." The open discussions with the public had a major impact on Roosevelt's presidency, building a high level of trust. Popular soap operas received thousands of letters from women asking for help with real-life problems. New York: Free Press, 1996. The program lamented the German military planes flying at will over his native country and wreaking havoc with their bombs. The formation of NBC was followed by the formation of CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System). Similarly crime dramas were also popular, with shows like "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Green Hornet.". "Against the Storm," "Brighter Day," "City Hospital," "Tale of Today," and "We Love and Learn" were all popular soap operas. The chats were highly popular and pioneered a means for future presidents to communicate directly with the public outside the normal news channels. Having worked successfully at radio for over 40 . Radio - The Golden Age of American radio | Britannica Pluggers were named for "plugging" or aggressively selling the idea of recording a publisher's music. Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953) Leader of Soviet Union 1924 - 1953. Mr. Riechman was the distributor for Majestic Radios and felt the future was in selling radios rather than in broadcasting. "Guiding Light" first aired on radio in 1937 and continued on television into the twenty-first century. As the world faced changes and challenges, radio was an integral part not only in reporting and commenting on the changes, but in some cases, in instigating them. In 1934 four powerful stationsWOR New York, WGN Chicago, WLW Cincinnati, and WXYZ Detroitbanded together to form "The Quality Group," which later became the Mutual Broadcasting System. Americans were buying radios at a rate of 28 per minute. Lillian Disney. Amos: I know, but if Mister Hopkins ever see you goin' dat, he's li'ble to fire both of us. Available from the World Wide Web at: http://www.old-time.com/otrlogs/390921.html). Adam Carolla (; born May 27, 1964) is an American comedian, radio personality, television host, actor, podcaster, and director. The networks encouraged the companies to develop programming to attract more and more listeners. Historic Events for Students: The Great Depression. He began as a supporter of President Roosevelt and the New Deal social and economic programs, but he eventually changed into a harsh critic. A new era in radio dawned with this broadcast. The 100 Outstanding Journalists in the United States in the Last 100 Radio 1929-1941 | Encyclopedia.com Indeed, many objected to the commercialization of radio, among them Herbert Hoover, who said in 1924, I believe the quickest way to kill broadcasting would be to use it for direct advertising. Strong arguments were made opposing the invasion of peoples homes with commerce (although newspapers and magazines had done so for more than a century) on the grounds that it would lead to entertainment programs pitched to the mass audience, thereby limiting radios potential educational and social benefits. Licenses for Edwin Armstrong's "static-free" frequency modulation (FM) concept of radio transmission were first granted in 1940-41. Other forms of paid entertainment had become prohibitively expensive in the lean times, and so Americans turned to radio. This act provided basic assumptions that have continued to underpin broadcasting policy in the United States to this day. Updates? On live band remotes carried from ballrooms in New York City and Chicago, big bands led by the likes of Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, and Tommy Dorsey played popular dance music for listeners around the country. No other media of the time was as pervasive. News shows and commentary kept everyone informed of the dire situation at home and the deteriorating situation in Europe. Selected discography Major shifts in the United States' political and policy priorities were happening under President Roosevelt as he sought to lead the nation out of the Depression, and the radio played a key role in reporting these changes. Radios were in almost every house and some Americans even had radios in their cars. Individuals all over America laughed together at Jack Benny and worried together over alien invasion orchestrated in a studio by Orson Welles. Like The Whistler, the program had an opening whistle theme with footsteps. Frequency modulation (FM) was introduced in which static interference was much less. Group photograph of Eddie Anderson, Dennis Day, Phil Harris, Mary Livingstone, Jack Benny, Don Wilson, and Mel Blanc. Many had more leisure time on their hands, but less money to spend. Discuss how radio changed America's response to the war in Europethe war that would eventually become World War II. Comedies took on issues of race relations, poverty, and cultural misunderstandings, providing a framework to help people make sense of their rapidly changing country and world. Fred Allen (born John Florence Sullivan, May 31, 1894 March 17, 1956) was an American comedian whose absurdist, topically pointed radio show (19321949) made him one of the most popular and forward-looking humorists in the so-called classic era of American radio. By the time the infant son of national hero Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped and murdered, the role of communication in radio had become so important that the 1935 verdict in the Lindbergh kidnapping trial was broadcast over radio. official reviewing the program material and determining what might be morally or politically objectionable to the public. In 1936 the Republican Party's radio dramatization, "Liberty at the Crossroads," played an important role in the campaign. 25 memorable DJs and radio personalities from Philadelphia's past These developments proved timely as the radio provided much entertainment and a source of information for the Depression public. This constituted yet another form of escape from the daily problems of the Great Depression by becoming temporarily absorbed in the problems of others, and maybe in even gaining some comfort that others besides themselves were facing difficult times. Radio became the central communication vehicle of the Depression especially including Roosevelt's Fireside Chats. Hour-long blocks of time were generally reserved for prestigious big-star shows, such as Lux Radio Theatre, or for low-rated but esteemed and experimental shows, such as The Columbia Workshop. Garner, Joe. Top 10 Famous People from Idaho - Discover Walks Blog There was so much competition for listeners that children's shows offered premiums such as decoder rings and badges to lure their young audience. In 1934 Parsons launched a variety hour, "Hollywood Hotel" that included interviews with actors and celebrity news. By the beginning of 1927, NBC had two networks, the Red and the Blue, which totaled 25 stations; more would join. 100 Famous Actresses of Hollyood's Golden Era (1930-1959) - IMDb NEIL: But you said it what quarter to twelve the last time I asked. In 1933 Edwin Howard Armstrong produced the first FM transmitter and receiver, although it was six years before an FM station would air. Eventually, as social workers reported, families would rather part with their icebox or other necessary appliances than with their radio. Soap operas were another area of significant growth in radio programming during the Depression. Article; Talk; English. Radio writers often wrote their sound requirements into the script, as did Irving Reis in his radio play "Meridian 7-1212." In 1895 Guglielmo Marconi became the first person to communicate by sending radio signals through the air. The term "DJ" emerged in the 1950s with the popularity of rock and roll. "The Maxwell House Show Boat" was a variety show that evoked nostalgia for the old-time South, making listeners forget the griminess of Depression-wracked urban America. Radio then morphed into radio formats . More people owned radios, were listening to radio in increasing numbers, and were listening to radios for an increasing amount of time each day. Roosevelt's Fireside Chats set the standard for future presidents to not only use radio to communicate with the public, but the growing mass media of television in the future as well. Radio Days - Page 1 - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times Already famous for his radio career in the 1940s, Murrow led news into television as well. Radios provided an avenue for information that supplemented local newspaper. We've got it! Given the hard times of the Depression they had an eager listening public. 1. Radio programming shifted away from drama, comedy, and variety shows to other formats including music, talk shows, and news. Amos: Well, whut you goin' do 'bout it? Sale of advertising time was not widely practiced at early radio stations in the United States. Many of the comic-strip-based programs that became popular radio shows during the Golden Age of Radio are still part of American culture at the start of the twenty-first century. Germany was mobilizing to occupy a large portion of Europe and much of the world was moving towards what would come to be known as World War II (19391945). In reaction some countries occupied by German forces in the late 1930s surreptitiously broadcast opposing viewpoints. He played for the Brooklyn Dodgers and was born Jan. 31, 1919 in Cairo, GA. Marjorie Finlay also had her own TV show, which had viewership in the USA and Europe. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. "Pride of the Marines," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring John Garfield; airdate June 15, 1946. These famous radio personalities were the stars of their time, and their shows were appointment listening for millions of Americans. Paley was responsible for bringing substantial entertainment to the Great Depression audience who could little afford to pursue other forms of entertainment. A band remote broadcast of Benny Goodman and his orchestra, with vocalist Martha Tilton, from the Madhattan Room of the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City; airdate November 4, 1937. In September of 1895, Guglielmo Marconi, a young Italian inventor, pioneered wireless telegraphy when he transmitted a message to his brother, who wa, Grote Reber By 1948, his program received higher ratings than Fred Allen or Jack Benny. Have von (H.V.) Richard Rogue was a working stiff kind of a private eye, and had a quick tongue. Radio was fast becoming a way of life. Radio Programs from the 1930s to the 1950s timeline | Timetoast On November 15, 1926, NBC made its debut over 19 stations extending from the East Coast to Kansas City, Missouri. The sound of the rocket ship in "Buck Rogers in the Twenty-Fifth Century" was created by placing paper over the air-conditioning vents and placing a microphone in a small spot in the middle. Following the stock market crash in 1929 life in America changed dramatically. Tonight, sitting at my desk in the White House, I make my first radio report to the people in my second term of office. This reflected the migration of black Americans from Southern rural areas to Northern industrial centers. Some of the more creative radio talents functioned as their own producers, receiving a budget from the agency out of which they paid the supporting actors and crew. Known as an American DJ, music historian, radio personality, and actor, he was the host of several music radio countdown programs, notably "American Top 40" from 1970 until his retirement in 2009. Jackie died on October 24, 1972 in Stanford . As radio blossomed during the 1930s, network censorship did too. talks in 1938, reportingcorrectlythat Munich was a "complete victory for Hitler." The success of this show established Hollywood as a major centre of radio production. It was a time when the airwaves were dominated by big personalities with loud voices. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1997. Decoder rings enabled listeners to decipher messages given in code language during episodes of the program. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Radio provided a shared national experience of entertainment and information. The growth in radio provided a large audience for various voices in cultural and political criticism. At the beginning of the explosion of radio in the 1930s, radio advertising increased while newspaper advertising decreased, though newspapers eventually bounced back. Amos: Yeahif I hadn't been thinkin' 'bout goin' to Chicago den, I'd of got de mil in de buck a' right. In February 2017, she left "97.9 The Boxx" to focus on her non-profit I'm Me Foundation and write a book. Actor John Houseman said of Welles and "The War of the Worlds:" "The reason that show worked as well as it did was nerve the slowness of the show in the beginning." Murrow provided regular reports on the bombing of London in his "London After Dark" series broadcast by shortwave radio. There is also a DMOZ directory. Haile Selassie (1892 - 1975) Emperor of Ethiopia 1930 - 1974. Prominent sports figures became larger than life. It's since gone on to experiment with other formats, added sports in the 1940s and adopted a personality driven, live-host music format in the '60s and '70s. We also became convinced that the only way to avoid a repetition of those dark days was to have a government with power to prevent and to cure the abuses and the inequalities which had thrown that system out of joint. David Sarnoff (18911971). Songwriters were under incredible pressure to produce new material, and many collapsed as a result. The most famous radio personality in Cleveland history, and a pioneer of early rock 'n' roll. RM2HJCMA2 - Dr. Seuss (1904-1991) sketching Clifton Fadiman (1904-1999) as the Cat in the Hat. Variety shows lampooned racial preconceptions, theater on the air challenged ideas of war and peace, and comedies provided a humorous critique of Middle American values. Famous Female Radio Personalities In 1945, Beulah was spun off into her own radio show, The Marlin Hurt and Beulah Show, with Hurt still in the role. 3. His critics charged that he was able to use his unique position and access to mass media to support his views. The program lasted an hour and starred famous Hollywood personalities who performed an hour-long version of a movie. Grote Reber (born 1911) was a radio engineer who became interested in radio astronomy as a hobby. Radio's intimate communication style was a powerful force during the 1930s and 1940s. Famous Radio Personalities 1950's - MountainReggaeRadio.com Paley developed and ran the CBS radio and television networks. Radio was a primary vehicle for the exchange of information and news during the Depression. Amos: He tol' you to milk de cowhe didn't tell me to do it. Initially a supporter of President Roosevelt and his New Deal programs, Coughlin became disillusioned and turned into a fierce critic. remain connected to the public. The play takes its name from the phone number that New Yorkers could dial in the 1930s to get the accurate time. As the world moved closer to world war, Kaltenborn reported on the invasion of Austria and Czechoslovakia. William S. Paley (19011990). Smaller regionally based networks also existed during the 1930s and 40s, such as the Boston-based Yankee Network, which ultimately became a pioneer in FM, or frequency-modulation, broadcasting. 2. Early in 1927, a competing network called United Independent Broadcasters was formed. Among the many running jokes on his show were his stinginess, his "feud" with Fred Allen, his ancient Maxwell automobile, and the vault in his basement where he kept his money. Singer Bing Crosby provided audiences with decades of entertainment. Studies showed that Americans were listening to radio for an average of five hours a day. After tackling various pursuits in his young life, including time as a vaudevillian dancer, Winchell became a famous news commentator and gossipmonger, drawing millions of listeners during the Great Depression. The tally resulted in an estimate of the number of people listening to a particular show; a rating of 14.2 meant that out of 100 people called, 14.2 were listening to a particular program at the time of the call. Hysterical people hid in basements, and listeners called the police to volunteer in the fight against evil invaders. Golden Age of Black Radio - Part 1: The Early Years Welles's work with radio is best remembered for the show on October 30, 1938, when he aired "The War of the Worlds," a story depicting an alien invasion, which caused widespread panic around the United States. Kaltenborn (18781965). As radio grew into a commercial force, it became necessary to determine the popularity of particular shows, as this would affect the price of the programs advertising time. From the old Oak Grove Hotel to the present day studios on 2nd Avenue and 7th Street, WCCO has brought Minnesota and Upper Midwest radio listeners big news stories and major events . Vicki Vola c.1936 *She was best known for her portrayal of Edith Miller on both the radio and television runs of Mr. District Attorney. In effect, four Justices ruled that the right under a private contract to exact a pound of flesh was more sacred than the main objectives of the Constitution to establish an enduring Nation. He bought CBS in 1929, building it from a failing network of 22 radio stations into a broadcast empire. In addition the rise of communism and fascism (dictatorships) in Europe was increasingly causing alarm in the United States. 3. Amos: I got tell him though 'cause he known I ought to have mo' milk dan dis. However, the date of retrieval is often important. The Golden Age of Radio created a new media environment. Compare coverage of news events in the three media. Michael Savage. Radio had become a powerful and influential media for the expression of opinion on an international basis. . Add links. Listen to the radio news, watch television news, and read a newspaper all on the same day. Later a film and television star, Burns contributed greatly to the development of the early sitcom. View More. Lillian Disney at Schiphol Airport in 1951 by Carel L. de Vogel from Wikimedia Commons. . Dat's goin' make Mister Hopkins mad if he ever find dat out. (Tone) (The sob is audible now) When you hear the signal the time will be (Pause) twelve o'clock. eds. In the 1930s specialists in radio sound effects emerged to provide that critical element of escapism for those many listeners hoping to escape from the daily problems of coping with the Depression. Boston: Little, Brown, 1969. They also complained that political conventions were organized for the benefit of radio, rather than to facilitate substantive political discussion. Other politicians and political pundits, regardless of their agreement or disagreement with what Roosevelt had to say, were generally in awe of his natural ability to make great use of the mass media. To celebrate 40 years of . Many of the 1930s programs would set the standard for programming in all media for the rest of the century. Bandleader Ozzie Nelson, who later married his vocalist Harriet Hilliard, became a radio phenomenon in the 1930s and went on to become a television phenomenon in "Ozzie and Harriet.". "Apache Peak," an episode of the western series Tales of the Texas Rangers, starring Joel McCrea; airdate July 22, 1950. Ronald Reagan (served 19811989) became another president skilled at using mass media to charm the public and press while seeking to gain support for his programs. Radio provided a huge and attentive audience, but it also provided unique demands. Many of Hollywood's most glamorous stars appeared on radio. CBS would soon become a major force in radio, although it would take years before it would challenge NBCs supremacy. The fireside chats allowed Americans to feel an intimacy with their president that few had felt beforePresident Roosevelt was in their living room, expressing his concerns, empathizing with their situation. There were several great radio theater companies during the 1930s including Orson Welles's Mercury Theatre on the Air, the Lux Radio Theatre, Screen Guide Theatre, and Studio One, later known as the Ford Theater. Nothing seemed too far away, and other cultures that once seemed exotic and strange were more familiar. Starring Jack Benny as himself, the laugh-out-loud sitcom is widely considered the epitome of 20th century American comedy. In 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first black to play Major League Baseball. An episode of The Bob Hope Show, starring Bob Hope and featuring Les Brown and His Band of Renown; recorded at Carswell Air Force Base, Texas, January 9, 1951. The chat demonstrates Roosevelt's friendly style that many found comforting. By 1944 it had been renamed the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). Mail-in premium offers were very successful on youth shows, and one of the most successful was the decoder ring offered by "Little Orphan Annie." Radio, with its thrillers and mysteries, classical theater and musical performances, and slapstick and silliness, provided a means of escaping the dreariness of life. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. The Great American Broadcast: A Celebration of Radio's Golden Age. The change of one vote would have thrown all the affairs of this great Nation back into hopeless chaos. In 1937 Welles became the voice of "The Shadow." President Roosevelt used the radio for regular "fireside chats" with the American people, explaining the major events of the time and his response to them in a calm and reassuring voice. The Women Who Overcame Radio's Earliest Glass Ceilings Such fads were a good buy for entertainment during the Depression when budgets were tight. Han' me dat bucket. He built the first radio te Martin Sir Ryle, Ryle, Martin RYLE, MARTIN (b. The "public interest" will determine whether the FCC should provide a license to broadcast. In the United States, active broadcasting preceded firm government policy. Movies. What Did People Do for Entertainment in the 1940s? - Reference.com New York still had a bustling radio community, but the Chicago shows began moving to one coast or the other. Omissions? Father Charles Edward Coughlin (18911979). "The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour" became the first radio variety show. Political parties made great use of radio during the 1930s, much as they did television later in the century. A coloratura soprano, she performed opera, concert, and supper club singing. Mutual did not own any of its affiliated stations, however, whereas NBC and CBS each owned and operated several stations. Hilmes, Michele and Jason Loviglio. The military government tried to capture the main radio stations with little success. The chain was purchased by Edward J. Noble, president of the Life Savers candy company. Bluegrass singer-songwriter Bill Monroe performs with Jimmy Martin on guitar, Buddy Killen on bass and Don Slayman on fiddle on stage at the Grand Ole Opry in . The list was selected from more than 300 nominees plus write-ins and was announced at a reception in honor of . Amos: He's li'ble to find it out though. This was particularly true of the white unemployed who believed jobs, including those created by New Deal work relief programs, should first go to whites before black Americans. In the 1983 movie A Christmas Story, the advertising partnership with "Little Orphan Annie" was lampooned as the message in the long-awaited decoder ring turns out to be "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine." He hosted a celebrity gossip show during much of the Depression that became both very popular and highly criticized. Others, however, disappeared from the airwaves. Some stars and programs from the last years of American radios Golden Age successfully transferred to televisionfor instance, the comedians George Burns and Gracie Allen, the soap opera The Guiding Light, the situation comedy Father Knows Best, the police drama Dragnet, and the western Gunsmoke.

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