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positive messages from teachers to students during covid

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COVID-19 poses an unprecedented threat to public health; so too this pandemic threatens the financial health of millions of households and institutions around the globe. I have cautious good news to share about our return-to-campus testing positivity rates so far, which are very low. Such individuals should continue the universal precautions and protocols that are expected of our entire community, and remain in their places of residence. Additionally, if you have questions directly related to the impact of COVID-19 in the Williamsburg/Peninsula area, state and local health authorities have set up two Call Centers: Pass/Fail Expansion. We have posted programs, videos and articles to enhance your wellness and resilience, including live wellness and fitness programs. For more transparency, weve created a graphic that sketches these three strands of work and their relationship to each other. Please reach out to the graduating students around you and support them. We'd love to know what messages are giving you strength, today and every day. Staff members in that office are experienced in supporting students who have accessibility needs, including students who are immunocompromised. The video concluded with a final comforting message: "When it rains, look for rainbows. Given the growing number of Covid-19 cases in our surrounding area, including in our campus community, we recognized that our residence halls are unsuitable for long term self-quarantine and self-isolation, which will be necessary in the weeks ahead; additionally, we are not staffed to provide a high level of health care and living support for students under pandemic conditions., Students who are having difficulty implementing their personal evacuation plans under these unprecedented circumstances, will be helped on an individual basis, and we will deploy emergency funds wherever possible to ease the financial burden as students await housing, dining, and parking rebates (detailed information about rebates will be sent soon in a separate message). The Student Health Center will provide instructions on necessary next steps. We continue to plan in earnest for your return, to ensure you have options, and we look forward to the start of our 2020-21 academic year. Our youth do not have the years of wisdom many of their teachers, counselors, and educators have from living more life on this earth than they. Students who lived on campus in the fall but have a fully remote schedule for the spring semester may request a release from their housing contracts. Graduate schools will be in direct contact with students by the end of October regarding spring break days and other academic calendar considerations. Students who experience symptoms over the course of the semester should make an appointment with the Student Health Center for a clinical assessment and testing if necessary. William & Mary is assisting members of our community during this difficult time, working with individuals on a case-by-case basis through the Dean of Students Office. When she went into her classroom to gather her things for the end of the year, she said it was unrecognizable. If you do not intend to comply with our guidelines and shared expectations, do not come to campus. As we prepare to change our instructional delivery modes starting next week, we are expanding the pass-fail option for Spring 2020. The following guidelines and resources outline measures W&M is taking to advance the health and safety of our entire campus community. Please share your suggestions via our question box. For employees who do not have computer access, we will work with supervisors to make the training available to you. They are merely waiting in the wings until its safe enough to be back in the classroom. As a teacher during the pandemic, I've realised that a school is a In the spirit of both/and, we will honor them in both May and October, both virtually and in person, in ways that are traditional, new, and joyful. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government closed all New York City public schools last week. William & Mary employees are preparing for students to return to campus in early August. You are required to wear a face covering when in university housing hallways, other shared spaces and hall baths (except when actively washing, brushing teeth, etc.). Its a challenge, a challenge for every one of us, but we dont shy away from challenges at William & Mary. As we head into the weekend, I write to those of you who continue to act in selfish ways thatput our in-person semester at risk. Please read through all information, which includes: We recognize that this fall semester will feel very different for us all. We will indeed have the chance in the future to celebrate those milestones appropriately. Work through the stress by creating. Amber D. One of the best, safe activities for kids to do is get outside and play or exercise. The McCombs school boasts a whopping 6,500 students with 200 professors. And we know that each decision we make generates new questions. We will continue to assess possible timelines in consultation with local public health officials, closely tracking the Commonwealths and our nations response. So we will wait until April for better clarity on how that may be achieved. Virginias Phase 3 of reopening began July 1. Faculty will work with students isolating in Richmond Hall to ensure flexibility for completing course work. Thank you. Additionally, if you do not have WiFi connectivity or access to the internet and currently have a cellular phone, you may want to contact your carrier to determine if your phone has the ability to serve as a mobile hotspot. Please continue to direct your questions to [[COVIDResponse]]. Event sponsors should explore solutions that include canceling, rescheduling or moving to alternative platforms. Symptomatic individuals awaiting test results will need to self-quarantine, rather than remain in their assigned residence halls. Students may also opt to return to their permanent homes/families as they await results. Teachers can be positive role models for their students. COVID-19 Messages to Students (2020) | William & Mary An archive of messages sent to William & Mary students about the university's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to realize, however, that elimination of all risk is not possible. Five coordinated teams will focus on short-term solutions for mission-critical areas of the university: curricular flexibility, operational resilience, how we might de-densify campus spaces, how we might expand career pathways for graduating seniors and recent alumni. Thank you for your resilience and kindness and for being a constant in a time of rapid change. Being away from our students has been a rude awakening, and were feeling all kinds of emotions. our actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. These students should closely track EMT messages regarding Hurricane Isaias. Thanks to each of you for your creativity, understanding and commitment to this shared effort. And, no matter what happens this year, be proud of yourself, your resilience, and your ability to adapt to extreme circumstances. Here Are Messages to Students During Covid 19 From Teachers Its heartbreaking that we dont get to do those things, she said. This remains a very fluid situation. Teachers hope kids will create We will get through this signs for their windows. We know how challenging learning has been during the pandemic. We ask everyone in our university community to aid in this effort by embracing the actions below. We must remain vigilant so that we can move quickly to identify positive cases and potential exposures. They should be telling me their stories from the weekend and being with me and theyre not.. Whether you have been here in Williamsburg or are studying remotely, we would not be where we are this semester without you. In barely more than a week, William & Mary faculty and staff in every school reinvented their spring semesters, adapting long-standing habits and materials into new platforms. Degree-seeking academic juniors and seniors may elect Pass/Fail grading for up to two normally-graded courses; academic freshmen and sophomores may elect to take one normally-graded course on a Pass/Fail basis this semester. William & Mary faces considerable financial impact now as a result of the pandemic. "They reached out, said, You know we're feeling that our students aren't feeling connected to school. Employees will access the series through Cornerstone Learning. Teachers work hard from August to the end of May and during May is when we get to celebrate and see how much our kids grow and change and tell them were proud of them and celebrate with them and were not really getting to do that together.. Against the unpredictable environment of COVID-19, we will do everything we can to continue to provide as much certainty as we can. If you have not signed up for direct deposit, a check will be sent to your mailing address. Our plan is for 5% of the student population and 2% of employees to be tested every two weeks throughout the semester, pulled from the local and on-campus population. The adorable footage featured not only the teachers and staff members, but also their own children and furry friends as they practice social distancing. Kimberley Gorelik on March 27, 2020 If your students can't hear you correct their grammar, are you even teaching? The five most-mentioned feelings among all teachers were anxious, fearful, worried, overwhelmed, and sad. Indeed, nothing is more important than the health and safety of our community. It seemed so specialI miss you so much. Our students and faculty have taken their pursuit of learning and scholarship online:2,000-pluscourses in two weeks. Students are strongly encouraged to return home or stay home. Testing schedules will be released later. Teachers hope students create art in any way that matters to them. Below my signature, you will find a high-level view of our current operations under the pandemic and an introduction to our planning process for next year. Your case manager will help make the arrangements. Many of W&Ms protocols in the spring will mirror what proved successful in the fall, though W&M continues to refine processes and evaluate response to the ever-changing public health landscape. The clear throughline in everything that has been shared with me over the past week is care for others. Technology Questions? Our goal is to host a grand celebration in May 2021 for the Class of 2020, with all the joy and the cherished traditions that make W&M Commencements special. This is an incredibly challenging time. It is based on collaborations with Commonwealth public higher education (including peer university public health and medical centers), CDC and VDH guidelines, and the Governors guidelines. New Student Housing Assignments were made available via the housing portal on July 8. We are asking residents who remain on campus due to extenuating circumstances not to gather in groups. You are navigating this challenging spring with grace and compassion. 20 inspirational quotes to lift you up - Kids Help Phone Finally, W&M has a responsibility to contribute to local, state, federal and global public health efforts. No one should take these early results as license to relax our vigilance. In an email to you Aug. 21, Dean of Students Marjorie Thomas reiterated the importance of the Healthy Together Community Commitment. We are firm in our convictionsour actionswillbe swift anddirectfor those who arent following theguidelineswe have in place. Honorlock is an online remote proctoring service that allows students to take exams from home. Like many other educators during the COVID-19 pandemic, she struggles in both her work and personal life.

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positive messages from teachers to students during covid

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